Wednesday, October 14, 2015

New Beginnings

So... it's been a while. I have missed the glare of a white screen begging for thoughts to be poured over it.

 I struggled today. Should I just bag the whole blog altogether or just change it, so that it matches the changes I've gone through. I really struggled. But in the end, I concluded that stories from our past are nothing to be afraid of. All of those moments, brought me to this place, right now. There are lots of happy times that I don't want to forget. As for the unhappy moments, I know that there were lessons to be learned in them and I wouldn't want to forget their importance either.

 So here it is. Just like my life, this blog is a work in progress. There are parts I am not fond of, even parts I'd like to gloss over and pretend never happened. But that would mean I wouldn't be here.

And I am LOVING the view from where I am.

Cheers, I have lots to get you caught up on...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Can I help?

I hear this little phrase almost every time I step into the Kitchen to bake. I love having helpers... even if it means some extra cleanup.

We had an abundance of blackberries in our house and I thought they would make a fantastic blackberry cobbler.
After rinsing 2 and 1/2 cups of blackberries, mix in 3/4 cup of sugar and meld together for 20-30 minutes.

In a separate bowl, combine: 1 cup of flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, a little salt and one stick of butter, melted.

Here is where your helper comes in handy... whisk your flour mixture with 1 cup of milk.

Pour the flour mixture into a greased 8x8 pan. Then pour your sugar and blackberry mixture on top. Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes.

and voila! A yummy blackberry cobbler just begging for ice cream or whip cream!
Original recipe here

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wide open spaces

I know, I stink at keeping up with this blog. Oh well.
There are a million things I should be doing right now. Writing lesson plans, reading for book club tonight (since I didn't even make it past the third chapter), cooking something for dinner, folding some of the never ceasing laundry,... I could go on and on. But today was a unique day. Matthew had his BFF over and both of them were dying to see
The Farm
. You see some dear friends recently purchased the farm literally next door. It's 100 plus acres and its beautiful.

Once they saw the cows...

The trees are gorgeous out here.

Lots of fencing for little boys to climb on and lots of cows.

Not much else, however the best friends don't mind.

They don't mind at all...

and open spaces are so good for the soul. Thanks for the walk and breath of fresh air boys. xoxo

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I was Inspired

Thank you Kimmy for wafting some inspiration my way this week!
I just loved the picture she posted of her daughter and when she announced that she was entering a contest through Paper Mama I immediately thought of a picture I wanted to enter for fun. It's not the most creative picture in the world, but it's probably one of the better ones I have of T man... and I am a sucker for those green eyes.

I really wanted to post this picture of G I had from his family shoot before the summer. However, the contest rules don't allow you to post children that don't belong to you.

For all my camera happy friends out there, check out the link below and get inspired this week!

The Paper Mama

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Too much time

I have recently had a lot of time to think. My blessed mother took all three of my precious boys to her house for a “summer adventure.” It has been two whole weeks since I have seen them!

I think they have fared far better than I. Here it has been quiet… and I mean too quiet. Don’t get me wrong it was nice at first but now it is driving me crazy. I miss them terribly.

They on the other hand are having so much fun, they told me they NEVER want to come home. Okay Matthew (my youngest) asked to come home but I think he just misses me rather than our crazy life here in Texas.

So back to thinking, yes thinking. That thing I normally only do in the shower, right before bed and in the middle of the night… well I have had a whole lot more time to just think. It’s actually been kinda fun. But I have been thinking about going to work this year. I guess in the big scheme of things it’s not terribly difficult work… This fall, I will be teaching a room full of 14 little four year olds. I know, sometimes I think I am crazy too. But I am actually looking forward to it!

Last year was the first time all of my boys were in school at the same time. The two days that Matthew was in school I was bored out of my mind! I would work out for hours, spend way too much money on lunching with friends and shopping, not to mention clean my house obsessively. It was not as much fun as I thought it would be.

So here I am. Getting ready to go do something “productive” on the days my boys are in school. Thankfully it pays much better than I ever would have expected.
I just need to know, am I crazy? This is your chance to offer solicited advice!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I apologize. It has been a while. But just so you know, this is my busy season and I typically have no life until mid July. That's how it is when you teach swim lessons, thankfully I love my job.

Occasionally I take a break from teaching and get to enjoy my own children. I had the pleasure of enjoying them whole heartedly while on a recent trip to Destin, Florida with our long time, wonderful friends, The Peters and their two adorable daughters. Let me just say that sometimes it is hard to vacation with people but Peters fam, you can call us anytime! The kids had a blast, Matthew fell in love with Morgan and I was so relaxed I actually forgot what day it was. From start to finish it was a great break from reality.

Now before this year, we had never been to Florida. I think as a native Californian I can say that the beaches in California don't hold a candle to the awesome beauty of the beaches we saw on this trip. Just gorgeous white sand, CLEAR water (yes we could see fish swimming around us), and great little beach towns that were super friendly. I can't wait until we can go back!

And Thank you Chad and Marci for doing such an awesome job on the pictures! It was so nice to have our Photographers on hand to capture every moment.

Don't worry, I won't bore you with too many family pics. I am saving them for our Christmas card so you'll just have to wait!

Morgan and Matthew

The Peters Family. We go way back with these guys...

Drew and Tyler and Matthew

And beautiful sunsets to end the day... with a bra buster in hand too. What's a bra buster you ask? We made up a new drink while on our trip (to go with the panty drop punch). Next you see me, I'll make you one!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

To Dream will cost you nothing...

I was recently reading one of my favorite blogs... maybe because it is written by one of my favorite people? Anyway, the topic: Where would you like to be in 14 years. It made me think.


In 14 years, I will be 45 (yikes). Matthew (my baby) will be 18, Drew 21(how fun) and Tyler 22. And yes it was always in the plan to have all children out of the house by my 50th birthday... but now it kind of makes me sad.

Don't get me wrong. There are days when I can't wait for bedtime. There are also times when I just know I need to enjoy the moment before it is gone.

I can't stop time, but I can dream about the future.

So in 14 years I would love to travel... with Tom but I will go with girlfriends if I have to.

Back to Hawaii for 6 months

Spend a year traveling the US

Italy, France, Greece... oh what the heck the whole Mediterranean too

Australia and New Zealand

South Africa

The Azores

Horseback riding in Scotland

Beers in Belgium and Ireland

A summer in Germany

and then maybe finish off the trip. Because I am sure by then I will be ready to be home. Ready to have my boys home from college for a weekend, hear all their crazy stories, give them a hug and enjoy my reward.
And maybe remember where I was when I started to dream...